Contact TakeMe2 Rockland Maine
TakeMe2 is open year round, M-F, 8:30 AM - 5 PM.
Phone 207-712-8595
Our address is:
TakeMe2 Communications
2 Main Street
Building 17 Suite 301H
Biddeford, ME 04005
Advertising/Visitor/General Information
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Complete this simple form and one of our representatives will reply within one business day.
TakeMe2 Communications
TakeMe2 is a Maine based web marketing communications group that specializes in helping small business owners effectively leverage the Web to reach prospects and customers in order to generate more qualified leads and higher sales.
We are experts at making the most of the Internet's marketing power for smaller hospitality, travel and tourism-related businesses. For example, our TakeMe2 travel guides represent working proof of this concept in practice. Our guides combine best practices in web design with measurable web marketing tactics and best in breed web technology to produce local online travel directories that not only stand out from the competition but deliver relevant and highly qualified customer traffic at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods.