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Vesper Hill Childrens Chapel

Vesper Hill Children's Chapel

Vesper Hill Children's Chapel

Vesper Hill Children's Chapel
Chapel Road
Rockport, ME 04856
Phone: 207-236-6139

2.3 miles from Camden

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Vesper Hill Children's Chapel - A loved outdoor chapel known for its formal gardens, and its beautiful location for special events and personal reflection

Vesper Hill Childrens Chapel Arch entranceVesper Hill Children’s Chapel is a loved location for special occasions such as weddings, baptisms, and memorials (seats fifty people), as well as a quiet place for reflection, prayer, or even to paint or draw. Located between Rockport’s busy harbor and the fields of Aldermere Farms (a short distance away from Rockland), Vesper Hill Children’s Chapel is a non-denominational outdoor chapel that is open to the public.

Helene Bok built the Chapel in 1960 after the Tamarack Lodge hotel (original occupant of the land) burned in 1954. To memorialize the Tamarack, part of its original stone foundation has been incorporated into the gardens. These gardens, that have an abundance of annuals, perennials, herbs, and different tree varieties are immensely popular with visitors. People can also use the spacious lawn space for picnics with friends and family.

Vesper Hill Children's ChapelA dedication plaque in the chapel reads: This chapel is built to the memory of all young people who have passed through this world and gained God by so doing. It stands for freedom, thought, prayer, and action. It stands for holiness within the body, and for God in the heart each waking hour. May the Lord bless all young people who come here for spiritual and mental refreshment. – Helene Bok..

To reach the Chapel, take Russell Avenue out of downtown Rockport. Then turn right on Calderwood Lane. Go past Megunticook Golf Course. On your right, you will see a driveway marked by a boulder with the word “Vesper Hill” inscribed on it. The Chapel is open from mid-April through October. For more information, call 207-236-6139.


TakeMe2 Communications | 2 Main Street | Building 17 - Suite 301H | Biddeford, ME 04005 | 207-712-8595