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Lincolnville Beach, Lincolnville Maine

Lincolnville Beach

Linconville Beach Photos

Lincolnville Beach sits right off of U.S. Route 1 just 7 miles from downtown Camden and offers a small sandy strip of beach head for swimming in the Atlantic Ocean.

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Lincolnville Beach - A small strip of sand overlooking Penobscot Bay and Islesboro Island that is perfect for day adventures

Lincolnville Beach signAbout fourteen miles (twenty minutes) away from Rockland, is Lincolnville Beach that many people like to check out during their stay in Midcoast Maine. This incredibly small community (only a few thousand full-time residents) experiences a population boom in the spring and summer months since people want to see this town bordered by lakes, mountains, and the gorgeous Penobscot Bay. For such a small community, it has certainly grabbed the attention of legendary artists, writers, boat builders and even iconic figures like Silicon Valley’s Bob Metcalfe, the inventor of Ethernet and the founder of 3Com Corporation.

Islesboro ferry at Lincolnville BeachIt’s easy to understand the allure of Lincolnville Beach when you get a close up view of its oceanfront location. The beach offers a long strip of sand with a gradual depth to the water that is great for wading or swimming in the cool waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Many people like to take their kayaks and explore the coastline of Penobscot Bay on their own schedule. Other water activities like fishing and boating are also extremely popular, and you have amazing access to a 325-mile waterway that links the coast and forty-eight uniquely individual nearby islands.

This beach is right on Penobscot Bay overlooking the island of Islesboro that is just a short thirty-minute ferry trip away. In fact, many visitors like to enjoy the day with a quick island trip. Since the State of Maine operates a ferry terminal and service right from Lincolnville Beach, this side trip is not only beautiful, but it is convenient.

Since this beach is located directly on U.S. Route 1 (impossible to miss by car), it is also close to the heart of the town's small business district. Here people can visit a wide variety of antique shops, galleries, and a local museum. If you are hungry after all these activities, there are some great restaurants within walking distance of the beach to get your fix of some of the best lobster and clams out there.


TakeMe2 Communications | 2 Main Street | Building 17 - Suite 301H | Biddeford, ME 04005 | 207-712-8595